Friday, October 31

COMMUNICATION MODELS 5 :: expectations for final crit

present with your partner:
• both postcard series
• annotated models (if digital and needs projection drop on CAS)
• how did you achieve project objectives (review prj. descriptions to assist)
• what did you learn about the communication process?
• what is your dialetic?
• approximately 10 minutes total.

turn in physical artifact for evaluation:
• printed postcards
• printed annotated model (if digital, post the link)
• process document pages (PRINTED)

post to blogs for evaluation:
• any additional process work

Sunday, October 19

COMMUNICATION MODELS 4 :: final reading

some thoughts on various types of noise in the communication process.

Saturday, October 18

COMMUNICATION MODELS 3 :: information graphic

By project's end, you are to produce a clear detailed infographic that visualizes your understanding of communication model theories, and illustrates your specific project outcome. Design a base model that could work for a wide range of basic communications. Then, for each project phase, annotate the model with supporting visuals and written remarks. Annotations will be about your specific experiences during this project, while the base is about how communication works in general. The base model and annotations should utilize distinct graphic languages, making one discernible from the other.

There are a range of communication models that can inform this project -- see lecture posted to the right under "course materials". Additionally, conduct a bit of research on your own to see what's out there.

for progress crit next class:
Show "proposed" directions of the "base model" (bare) and base model with several initial visual/verbal annotations. Annotations are elements you add on, such as a thumbnail of the postcard, a note about intent, a note about interpretation, etc.

due at project's end:
Final information graphic. Can be print or screen based, linear or non-linear.

COMMUNICATION MODELS 3 :: comm theory reading

download PDF, post reflection in comments.

COMMUNICATION MODELS 3 :: "system" postcard

When the output (or "products") function along side (or interrelates with) other products it forms a system. Now, as the sender (again), you are to visualize the system.

Add additional knowledge to the dialog (and find supporting evidence for your argument) by conducting outside research. Narrow the scope and frame the dialetic by placing the product in one of the following contextual systems: social/cultural, historical, technical, or environmental.

Post a summation of this research (and sources) to your blogs.

Answering the following questions may help:
• What is the impact/relationship to other products?
• What is ONE argument (from a social, historical, technical or environmental point of view) that can be made about the object?
• What are the ramifications or benefits of this system?
• How could that engage in a dialectic based on the second postcard?

Add imagery AND text. Embellish and incorporate your partners imagery so that it is apparent that this an ongoing conversation and that the 3 postcards function as a cohesive series.

Deliverables due next class:
Produce a wide range of explorations & iterations. Post all to process blog. Then, select the best direction to produce as the final postcard. Print one and post the final to your blog (post title "phase 3: system postcard").

Friday, October 17

COMMUNICATION MODELS 2 :: "output" postcard

In classical philosophy, dialectic is controversy: the exchange of arguments and counter-arguments... The outcome of the exercise might not simply be the refutation of one of the relevant points of view, but a synthesis or combination of the opposing assertions... [In a dialectical dialogue] the participants share at least some meanings and principles of valid inference, even if they do not agree. source
This project models a conversation between two communicators. The statement started by one will be expanded by the other. More specifically, the assets generated by one will be used/incorporated in the other's visual response.

First, provide each other with the high res file (and in later phases, the raw layered file) of your postcard.

Now you are the sender. Advocate or subvert the original statement your classmate sent to you. Strengthen it with your own visual p.o.v. and supporting evidence by placing the object in context to other related components. When the object (thought of as a component) functions along side (or interrelates with) other components it produces something (it makes a product). You are to visualize the output of the object. 

it may help to answer the following questions:
- what product(s) could this object help produce? (this could be a physical thing, a condition, event, etc.)
- how could that engage in a dialectic based on the first postcard?

You are to add to and embellish the original work (with additional imagery, objects, mark making, etc, but no text). You must incorporate the original photo.

Deliverables due next class:
Produce a wide range of explorations & iterations (post all as linear process, providing captions when necessary). Then, select the best direction to produce as the final postcard. Print one and post the final to your blog (post title "phase 2: output postcard").

COMMUNICATION MODELS 2 :: postcard feedback

Every message that has an intended receiver is interpreted, and to what effect? Provide your assigned partner the following feedback:

interpret your partner's message and provide them with feedback. Write a clear and articulate response and post in the comments section of your partner's blog post, using the following questions as a guide:
• Is the object rendered in a positive or negative tone?
• How did the aesthetic choices (such as cropping, lighting, orientation, color, media, level of abstraction, style, etc) guide your understanding?
•Based on the reading, what categories of transmission were used to send this message?
•Also based on the reading, (how) did noise affect your interpretation of the image?

after your partner (the receiver) has commented, reflect and respond. Was their interpretation in/correct? Clarify your intentions.

Blog Requirements:
The dialogue that starts w/the sender resides on sender's blog for entire project. Each post contains the sender's postcard (as a post), the receivers interpretation/reflection (as a comment or post) and the sender's intent/reflection (as a comment). Complete online feedback during class.

Partners are...
blake / corie
laura / adam
simon / jason
nick karn / nik smith
kaufman / gentry
veronica / sheila
ramzy / cassie
logan / matt

Wednesday, October 15

COMMUNICATION MODELS 1 :: reading assignment one

Read "This means This..." pages 19-32 and post your reflection to the comments of this post. Find the photocopied reading on my reserve shelf in the library. Yes -- go to the library.

COMMUNICATION MODELS 1 :: "object" postcard

You are to communicate your object (from the semiotics project) in a positive or negative tone.

Explore framing, lighting, focus, any image making/rendering styles (e.g. photo, illustration, collage, scratchboard, etc) to communicate your p.o.v. and editorialize the image.

Here are some examples. Post and describe examples you find elsewhere to your own blogs.

Create an image that is communicative, resonating and creative within the set of given parameters. It must be rendered as a single object only and can not incorporate text, symbols or additional objects. For print (5x7 inches, 300 dpi, CMYK) and for screen (550x393 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB).

Produce a wide range of explorations & iterations (post all as linear process, providing captions when necessary). Select the best image to produce as a postcard. Print one and post the final image only (no explanation) to your blog (post title "comm models: object postcard")

Final postcard and process is due next class session

COMMUNICATION MODELS 1 :: project overview

What we say and what is heard depends on a range of factors (from technology obstructions to cultural encoding). As designers we must develop a high sensitivity to the messages we create and the way in which these messages are received by the intended audience, so we can adapt the conversation accordingly.

This project will explore theories about how the communications process works as well as apply and test out that process through peer-to-peer "visual conversations". As partners, you'll design three rounds of messages that will be sent, received, interpreted, and responded-to for feedback.

Over the course of this project each student will produce:
1. a clear & detailed infographic (in print or in motion) that visualizes your understanding of the communication model/theory and elucidates the project's phases
2. three postcards
3. thorough & constructive written feedback on your blogs
4. process documentation

1. visualize your understanding of and document your experience of communication models/theories
2. visually craft messages and responses (as practical application of communication theory)
3. conduct real-time dialogue about your intentions and interpretations
4. professionally documented project stages, improved layout, writing and treatment of content

Each project phase increases in complexity. You will start with limited channels and a singlular message that will subsequently build into a more layered conversation.

day 1: assignment
day 2: "object" postcard due, in-class interpret/reflect post, workday
day 3: "output" postcard due, in-class interpret/reflect post, workday
day 4: "context" postcard due, in-class interpret/reflect post, communication model lecture, assign infographic
day 5: infographic progress crit
day 6: infographic progress crit
day 7: final crit postcards & infographic, process document due